Sunday, July 18, 2010 A operation full of strategic marketing; Yet full of lies.

First, lets cover the facts. World-Pharma is the sole and main distributor for the new BD line that is NOT affiliated with the old BD at all, in any way. Read about the new line here ( As you can see, the new line is sub-par and always will be to the old BD. Obviously, this WP company came in and saw a business opportunity to produce the BD line UGL style, jack up the price and justify the price by calling it British Dragon. Amazingly, this worked. is becoming one of the most wealthy steroid sites you can find, with sponsors on most major boards such as WP has a banner on almost all steroid blogs, even including Anthony Roberts own blog ( which, for some crazy reason, no longer has the posts about the new BD being sub par to the old one (data loss maybe?).

WP has many game plans, one being posting on forums with multiple accounts, posting their own reviews stating how “great” their products are. ( when the SAME exact review appears on a WP owned blog (, obviously meaning the author of the blog is somehow has rights or permission to publish the review, making the reviewer (“Pacha” on IronMag) affiliated with WP.

Along with this, another game of theirs is recently attacking other major and well-known competitors such as GenXXL, and most recently, NAPSGEAR. If you would like citation for this, you can email me at, as I will not help spread WP’s propaganda.

This isn’t the first time WP has been caught in the act. The owner of the popular bodybuilding forums ( banned, and exposed WP for some of their games. The whole article can be found here (note: some of the links no longer work but you can do the research yourself and find the working ones.) (

One of the biggest shams WP runs is saying that they “Dear guys as we say all the time, we sale only GMP-WHO and FDA gear and we do our best to make our customers happy!” ( 4th post down by WP. Now, they are trying to tell us that BD is GMP-WHO and FDA approved? Any steroid user knows much better then that. SO lets take a look at Asia-Pharm, who is also, not as WP advertises.

Yes, Asia-Pharm WAS on the THAI FDA website as certified UNTIL January, 28th 2010 , when it became NO LONGER valid. ( Look for yourself, #9 on the list.

Also! When they were certified, notice that with the description of the lab it specifically says "This certificate does not include Non-sterile products (Semi-solid dosage forms) This site does not produce Cephalosporin products, Beta-lactam products, Sex hormones and Anti-cancer products." That means, even when they were certified, their products that were sex hormones (which are ALL STEROIDS to any of you who are 100% clueless) where NEVER FDA approved.

Along with this, a whole new article was recently published on Asia Pharm which can be found here: (

A thread recently emerged on with information on why Asia Pharm is a UGL, but it was quickly locked up by moderators.( I assume after my article is posted, the thread will be deleted entirely. I have screen shots of those whole thread in case such thing happens. Read it while you can.

Here are some links you can read regarding AP being a UGL:

Asia Pharma Front, The Jig Is Up | Gossip
Asia Pharma ugl or human? - Muscle Chat Bodybuilding Forum - Fitness and Sports Nutrition
Human or ugl-asia pharma? - Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding Discussion Forums - Steroidology
Asia pharma - Anabolic Steroids, Bodybuilding Discussion Forums - Steroidology
Asia pharma gear - UK-Muscle Body Building Community - Bodybuilding Forum

So, as it appears, WP is not selling ANY GMP-WHO or FDA approved gear, while this entire time they jack up the prices and state that ALL of their products are.

Now my final thought, and hopefully yours; Why haven’t you read about this on forums or any other blogs? Well, the truth is money. WP has a huge amount of control in very popular forums such as Professional Muscle where you will get banned, and threads deleted for saying things like this. That is because WP is paying them SO much money to do things like mass PM’s by the Admin (I’m sure all you ProM members got one) and to screen all posts made about WP. Even on the IronMag forums, Super Moderators such as Dg806 (who funny enough has a WP banner in his signature) are known for editing posts about WP and deleting threads that attempt to expose them.

In closing, stay away from WP. There are so many other well known and trusted suppliers out there. Don’t pay an arm and a leg for UGL quality that can be found at tremendously cheaper prices, and that are just as good. Stay away from a company with a cheap and deceitful business plan.

Thank you for your time,

- Tim Greenly

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